Release Checklist

This section serves as a checklist for the person performing releases. Note that much of this mimics the actions taken by the Maven release plugin. Based on past experience, the Maven release plugin can fail at various points in the process leaving the repo in a confusing state. Taking each action manually is more tedious, but keeps eyes on each step and is less prone to failure.

Artifact Signing

Maven release artifacts must be digitally signed to prove their origin. This is a safeguard against compromised code from a malicious third party being disguised as a trusted library.

The OTP artifact signing key was created by Conveyal. We export only that signing subkey, with our company's main key blanked out. Therefore, even if someone managed to acquire the decrypted key file and the associated GPG passphrase, they would not have the main key. We could deactivate the signing key and create a new one, without the main key being compromised.

When modified for Maven Central deployment, OpenTripPlanner's POM is set up to sign artifacts in the verify phase, which means signing will happen for the install and deploy targets, but not the package target. When performing a local test build, if you do mvn clean install site it will test the signing process. If you do not have the certificate installed, you can instead do mvn clean package site to bypass signing, but this provides less certainty that everything is set up correctly for the CI-driven final release.